

I spend all my spare time reading and reviewing. I love my Kindle and it is with me all the time

4 Stars
OLD MEN DON'T CRY - Tim I. Gurung
This is a sad story about the life of Chan Hong, even from an early age he struggled through life. After being deserted by his parents, he realised that he had to fend for himself and although was a pleasant child he found it difficult to make friends. This book follows him throughout his life, the friends he made, his life in the police force and all the way to his death.
At the beginning of each chapter was a brief history of Hong Kong, I found this confusing with the story as the dates wrote about did not match up with the years that the story was written about and I must admit skipping the history to carry on with the story.
The story itself was written well and you did have empathy with the main character, as a parent I could not even think of doing that to my child.
If you like memoires and history then this book is for you
5 Stars
Cold Comfort
Cold Comfort - E. Abernathy
After being found not guilty for murder by reason of insanity, John Colucci a schizophrenic is committed to a mental asylum for 8 years. At the end of his time he is released into the care of his sister, a sister he can’t remember who is married to a cop who hates him. Over time he realises that he is was committed after murdering a child, a crime he cannot remember doing. After he got out it is up to him to try to get on with his life whilst remembering to take his medication and to ignore the voices in his head. On one of his walks he meets Caitlin a female reporter and from their first meeting there is a romantic liaison, but is Caitlin only with him for love. Whilst he is out there are some more murders and John has to prove his innocence.
Whilst reading this book you can tell that the author has really researched mental health, and possibly her time working in the legal system has helped her with this. John reminds me a lot of Mr Coffey (The Green Mile) a gentle man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I had sympathy for him and was backing him up all the way when he was trying to get his life back. From the start he was up against the system but he was not alone he had so much support. Caitlin is one strong woman who will not take no for an answer, and I personally think if it was not for her he would have been re-committed.
The story flowed well and made it a quick read, written in John’s POV, really helped explain the story and the suffering he went through. I was surprised when the murderer was revealed and I was glad that the author did not finish this book with a HEA as I think it would not have done this book justice. With everything that John had gone through I would not have expected him to go skipping into the sunset with a smile on his face.
Overall a really good book
5 Stars
Cold Comfort
Cold Comfort - E. Abernathy
After being found not guilty for murder by reason of insanity, John Colucci a schizophrenic is committed to a mental asylum for 8 years. At the end of his time he is released into the care of his sister, a sister he can’t remember who is married to a cop who hates him. Over time he realises that he is was committed after murdering a child, a crime he cannot remember doing. After he got out it is up to him to try to get on with his life whilst remembering to take his medication and to ignore the voices in his head. On one of his walks he meets Caitlin a female reporter and from their first meeting there is a romantic liaison, but is Caitlin only with him for love. Whilst he is out there are some more murders and John has to prove his innocence.
Whilst reading this book you can tell that the author has really researched mental health, and possibly her time working in the legal system has helped her with this. John reminds me a lot of Mr Coffey (The Green Mile) a gentle man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I had sympathy for him and was backing him up all the way when he was trying to get his life back. From the start he was up against the system but he was not alone he had so much support. Caitlin is one strong woman who will not take no for an answer, and I personally think if it was not for her he would have been re-committed.
The story flowed well and made it a quick read, written in John’s POV, really helped explain the story and the suffering he went through. I was surprised when the murderer was revealed and I was glad that the author did not finish this book with a HEA as I think it would not have done this book justice. With everything that John had gone through I would not have expected him to go skipping into the sunset with a smile on his face.
Overall a really good book
5 Stars
Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories
Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories - Doug Murano, D. Alexander Ward, Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, Ramsey Campbell, Paul Tremblay, John F. D. Taff, Lisa Mannetti, Damien Angelica Walters, Josh Malerman, Christopher Coake, Mercedes M. Yardley, Brian Kirk, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Amanda Gowin, Richard   Thomas, M
What can I say about this book, 15 short stories and a poem makes this book a great read.
Every story was different but what each one had in common was the way they were all beautifully written, the words just flowed to make such great stories. Like everyone who reads a collection of short stories I did have my favourites but I enjoyed reading every one of them and there was not a single one that I did not enjoy.
I will just mention the ones I enjoyed the most.
Arbeit Macht Frei by Lisa Mannetti. Eligia is remembering her time in a Nazi run concentration camp. This story shows that not all horror stories involve paranormal monsters, but human beings are as evil. Reading this gave me the shivers, we have all heard what happened to people in these camps, but the way it was written from a child’s POV made this more real.
Picking Splinters from a Sex Slave by Brian Kirk. Most of us have heard on the news of young girls that have been found after being abducted years before, but we never hear about the recovery period. This story is about the after effects of Meagan’s abduction and what lengths her dad has to go through to help her recovery. This would be any parent’s nightmare and as a mom of a daughter I don’t know if I could do what her dad did.
Water Thy Bones by Mercedes M Yardley. This story easily explains that beauty is not skin deep. Two troubled people meet up, Michael with a fascination of bones and Nikilie who wants someone to love her not just for her beauty on the outside. This story was so tastefully written, that I had tears in my eyes at the end of the story and even though you did not expect it, it was a beautiful ending.
On the other side of the door, everything changes by Damien Angelica Walters. A very topical story thanks to the popularity of social media. I have been lucky that I have never had to have a conversation with my teenagers on the other side of the door, but my heart went out to the mom wanting to know what is wrong and trying to find the right words. Both my teenagers understand Cyber bullying and the consequences but this story really explained it in such a dramatic way. I would get every child who delves in to social media to read this story as I think that it would stop a lot of them making the mistake of posting pictures.
When we all meet at the Ofrenda by Kevin Lucia. Day of the dead is a special holiday to celebrate the lives of your deceased loved ones, but for Whitey, this one was the first one he celebrated without his wife. This story was heart breaking and you could sense Whitey’s loses. What you don’t expect is the involvement of his sons. That is all I am saying
What has not been mentioned is the beautiful artwork from the cover to the pictures that accompanies each story. A great book and although I have read a couple of the author’s other books there are now more authors for me to look out for
4 Stars
Wicked Good Witches Three Book Box Set (Demon Street Blues, Alpha Knows Best, Bye Bye Bloodsucker)
Wicked Good Witches Three Book Box Set (Demon Street Blues, Alpha Knows Best, Bye Bye Bloodsucker) - Starla Silver
I read this just for a break from the usual book I read and I am glad I did. A family of witches all with different powers live together with a vampire as a friend/butler. They live on an island which is said to have magical powers and the local residents know all about the paranormal and the help that Howard witches give. Each book is its own story but all follow smoothly. The sheriff calls on them to help her solve any crime that may involve the paranormal, and I enjoyed the way they all worked together to get the problem sorted.
If you love reading paranormal then you must read these books, they are fun, and if you like you books with a bit of sex then grab these. What Melinda imagined she would do with William was priceless and it was a good job that vampires don't blush. These stories has so many different paranormal creatures that it was refreshing.
There is comedy and I had to stop myself laughing out loud when Charlie was confronted by the local mermaids. A refreshing quick read
5 Stars
The Eyes of the Dead (The Vetala Cycle) (Volume 1)
The Eyes of the Dead (The Vetala Cycle) (Volume 1) - Greg James
Set in WW1, it follows the journey of Private Wilson who is serving in Belgium. Earlier in the war Wilson was involved in a fire but having no memory of the incident, carries on doing his duty and fighting the Germans. Joining up with a new garrison, their orders were to take Black wood. Brookes a very young soldier gets injured so its left up to Sargent Smithy and Private Wilson to try and save him and take Black Wood. Over time Private Wilson memories slowly come back and what a shock when he finally remembered what had happened.
This book combined the horror of vampires and rats and the factual horror of war, I don’t know what would be more scarier, meeting the large rats or crawling through the trenches whilst you are dodging bullets. The description of the war was quite a graphic and although I have never been one for reading about WW1, I really enjoyed this book. Everywhere Wilson went trouble followed and I kept wondering when he was going to break. Whilst reading it you could imagine yourself being there with him, the sight that he saw especially when the rats began to eat. I especially enjoyed reading the scenes set in the field hospital, because I think that is when you started to understand exactly what he had gone through and more of his supressed memories were starting to resurface.
My first book from this author and I have already downloaded book 2 in this series
5 Stars
The Eyes of the Dead (The Vetala Cycle) (Volume 1)
The Eyes of the Dead (The Vetala Cycle) (Volume 1) - Greg James
Set in WW1, it follows the journey of Private Wilson who is serving in Belgium. Earlier in the war Wilson was involved in a fire but having no memory of the incident, carries on doing his duty and fighting the Germans. Joining up with a new garrison, their orders were to take Black wood. Brookes a very young soldier gets injured so its left up to Sargent Smithy and Private Wilson to try and save him and take Black Wood. Over time Private Wilson memories slowly come back and what a shock when he finally remembered what had happened.
This book combined the horror of vampires and rats and the factual horror of war, I don’t know what would be more scarier, meeting the large rats or crawling through the trenches whilst you are dodging bullets. The description of the war was quite a graphic and although I have never been one for reading about WW1, I really enjoyed this book. Everywhere Wilson went trouble followed and I kept wondering when he was going to break. Whilst reading it you could imagine yourself being there with him, the sight that he saw especially when the rats began to eat. I especially enjoyed reading the scenes set in the field hospital, because I think that is when you started to understand exactly what he had gone through and more of his supressed memories were starting to resurface.
My first book from this author and I have already downloaded book 2 in this series
5 Stars
George: The Long Road Home
George: The Long Road Home - Scarlet Le Clair
As soon as you start this book there are tears in your eyes, go back 1 month and this book tells the story of George who is trying to get back to his family after going out to get provisions after the zombie apocalypse. Whilst he is raiding a shop, he ends up being taken in by a group of survivors. So not to alert the leader of his family, he joins the group making some close friends.
Written in George’s POV, and the descriptive way of writing, you can imagine that you are there seeing and feeling what George goes through. Deacon is your typical bad guy, abusing his position and he is definitely one you will despise. Although George was trying to get home, he still managed to make 2 close friends Will and Nia and their relationship kept George grounded as although he wanted to get back he also had to protect them. Again at the end of the book tissues are needed and the story with Kelly (his wife) and their children is heart-breaking. I spent 5 minutes after I finished this book thinking would I do the same or would I try and fight.
Yes this book is about a zombie apocalypse, but it is so much. It’s a story about how one father fights to get home to the people he loves , yes he had to do things that he would never had done before but he always kept his humanity. I would like a further book to see how George and Kelly’s relationship progress. Well written and worth reading
5 Stars
Night Things: Dracula versus Frankenstein
Night Things: Dracula versus Frankenstein - Terry M. West
What if Dracula and Frankenstein and other horror/paranormal creatures walk amongst us? Frankenstein known as Johnny Stucke has had a major falling out with Dracula and has gone off on his own to build his own empire in New York. Like the Mob he had his fingers in many pies, including the selling of porn. Gary Hack a heroin addict is hired to produce these films that exploit paranormal creatures, this has not made him popular with the Dracula who is trying to organise the Night Things into taking over New York. Humans are panicking and trying to bring in extreme laws to protect themselves including The Horde Law which prevented no more than 3 zombies in one place at the same time and people who are close to Gary are being murdered and kidnapped. Gary can do only one thing but to go to Johnny for help.
I loved the way that the author combined two most historical horror characters and made it into a unique story. Frankenstein has a conscious and he cares for children especially if they are orphaned. I think he can see himself in them as he was alone until he met Dracula. This story is full of action that horror lovers will like from the killing of the mob boss to the zombie rampage. This a great story and a quick read. This is the first book I have read by Terry West and it won’t be the last. Next up Night Things: Undead and Kicking
4 Stars
Zombie XI: The Boy Who Got Sick of Warming the Bench
Zombie XI: The Boy Who Got Sick of Warming the Bench - Pete Kalu
Meet Leonard your typical 15 year old boy who likes football. The problem was that he never got a game, every Saturday he was on the substitute bench waiting for his chance. He spent most of the games daydreaming about his dad, watching his team losing by more goals every week. Until one Saturday whilst he was sitting on the bench with the other subs, he saw a flash of light by the nuclear power plant, thinking it was nothing he went home. Leonard’s home life was a typical one, his mom was looking for work and sister was a dressmaker who was making a name for herself by making costumes for carnivals. Going to bed he studied his favourite book, a book all about the 1966 England World Cup team. The following Saturday Leonard was back on the bench, joined by Eddie his friend that was as disappointed as him for not being able to get a game and Shabbi the only girl on the team that had an amazing throw in. Whilst the game was on Leonard noticed in the distance a strange figure and that was the 1st time he saw the zombies. Throughout the book he sees the zombies who help him with his football skills.
This book is not just about zombies and football, it is about a boy who is growing up and wants to fit in, a boy who has his first crush and doesn’t know how to handle it, a boy who has to make a choice between football and drama and how he makes a compromise.
I really liked this story as it was a gentle read and will suit young teenagers and adults. Leonard is believable as a teenager. I enjoyed the story about the drama production and how the football team got better, thanks to Leonard and the help from the zombies. Although it was funny how they never appeared when the cats were in his bedroom. The only thing that I never understood was the reason for the zombie squad appearing with the flash of light/UFO that appeared at the beginning of the book. You do not have to like zombies or be a football fan to enjoy this book. If you like fantasy stories then this is a good book to read
My 16 year old daughter also read this book and she really enjoyed the story not a big football fan she soon realised that she did not have to like football to enjoy it. She finished this book the weekend that there were celebrations of the 1966 World Cup victory and she enjoyed putting faces to the names that she had read about
5 Stars
Stake-Out (Paranormal Detectives Series Book 1)
Stake-Out  - Lily Luchesi
Detective Daniel Mancini has to go into early retirement due a stake out that goes horribly wrong. He is tracking a serial killer who turns out to be a vampire the trouble is nobody believes him and thinks he is crazy due to his injuries.
Two years later he gets a knock on the door and a beautiful agent Angelica Cross invites him to join a secret part of the FBI who investigates paranormal activity. She wants him to help her catch the vampire serial killer and as he knows the case he is the best man for the job. Whilst he gets trained in how to fight all things paranormal a close friend gets killed by the vampire causing Daniel to have an unhealthy hatred of all things vampires. Both Angelica and Daniel has their secrets but can they work together to solve the crime.
I really enjoyed this book and thought it was a great start to the series. I liked how the relationship between Angelica and Daniel was going and the prejudices they both faced. I love the idea of a human working with a paranormal and can’t wait to see how the series progresses. Angelica is one feisty lady and you can tell that she does not taking any nonsense. Daniel is your typical cop, always questioning everything and wants to get to the bottom of the mystery.
I can’t wait to find out where their relationship will go but I don’t have to wait long as book 2 is already out
5 Stars
Dark World: The Surface Girl
Dark World: The Surface Girl - Kell Frillman
Set in 2078, humans now live underground after an invasion by Aliens. Ruby is a curious 16 year old girl who after being brought up on her grandad’s stories of earth, is starting to question the way they live. Not happy that at 16 she is to meet the boy that she has to spend the rest of her life with and her role is just to breed. Reese has been her friend since starting school and although she knows it is wrong starts having feelings for him. Finding a set of unused tunnels she finds a young girl that has come from the top. This moment is the start of an adventure where she learns to face her fears and starts to grow in a brave and strong woman especially when she knows that her parents are in trouble.
The author’s descriptive writing makes the book flow with ease and you could imagine the world would ending up like that in the future . Throughout the book you see Ruby developing into a strong girl who will put her life at risk to help others. Adding suspense and action it was a quick read.
I cannot wait to find out what happens next and will Ruby and Reese may a go of it.
4 Stars
Sarah Killlian: Serial Killer (For Hire!)
Sarah Killlian: Serial Killer (For Hire!) - Mark Sheldon
One feisty woman

The story is about a professional serial killer or PSK called Sarah Killian, she works for an organisation called THEM an organisation that uses serial killers to wipe out problems. Sarah is a very independent woman who grew up in a dysfunctional family and became a serial killer before she was recruited by THEM. The mission that she gets sent on makes her uncomfortable from the start as for the first time she is paired up with Bethany, a newbie who is an annoying chatterbox. You can tell straight away that she is going to drive Sarah mad.  Zeke her boss knows this and I personally think he enjoyed winding Sarah up but will not change his decision. For the mission they have to go undercover as teachers as the target is in a school. Sarah had to learn to adjust to be sweet and innocent kerbing her swearing whilst keeping her cool with the Bethany  

I really enjoyed this story as although I have read other stories about serial killers, they tend to concentrate on their target, but this book was different, yes they have a mission but the main story is the story why Sarah and Bethany had to be paired for the mission. There were quite a bit of comedy in the book and some of the abbreviations brought a smile to my face. Sarah grew on me the more I read as at the start she was your typical bolshie female but later on in the book you find out some of her reasons for doing this type of work and that she did have a heart. Her coping mechanism to stop her killing anyone who wasn’t a target was funny; I didn’t think a cuddly toy could be used for that.

The story ended in a slight cliff hanger and I hope I do not have to wait to long for book 2.    


5 Stars
Delicate Things
Delicate Things - Yolanda Olson
OMG what can I say about this book. As you start to read this book you are lulled to think that this is a regular love story between Holly and Bates. Oh how wrong you will be. Bates is an artist who uses very unusual material for his creations, Holly has been bullied throughout her life and although she tries to think she is strong, she uses Bates as a crutch and relies on him all the time, as you read this book you find out that they have a very unusual relationship. I am not going to say any more about the book as I do not want to spoil it.
This book is dark and if you have a sensitive nature then do not read it. Me I loved it, the author threw so many twists that I kept reading it just to see what happened next, making this a quick read. She explains the characters in depth, helping you understand their relationship and what makes them tick. The author kept the biggest surprise to the end and what a shocker, I spent 5 minutes after finishing it with my mouth wide open in shock. Let’s just say I was not expecting that.
Great read and I will definitely read more from her
4 Stars
Graveyard Rose: A Gothic Fantasy Romance (The Rose Chronicles Book 1)
Graveyard Rose: A Gothic Fantasy Romance (The Rose Chronicles Book 1) - Ginny Clyde
Lenara is the first female Guardian, protecting the lands from Nulans (rogue vampires) and werewolves. She became a guardian to protect her family’s property, and due to training from her dad became one of best in the team. She risked her life numerous times to help her sickly younger sister. When a nearby village is attacked by a pack of werewolves, The Guardians go out to find the pack and kill them. When the attack goes wrong Lenara finds herself seriously injured and on the brink of death, until she is rescued by a masked stranger. Who is this man?
I enjoyed reading the book and found the story to be a quick read. I liked the fact that the main character was a strong young female and could stand up to any man who crossed her. I got a bit confused with all the families, but this did not detract from a good story. I found the story to be interesting from the start and her descriptive writing really made you feel that you were there whilst you were reading this book.
This was the 1st book I have read that was written by this author and I am definitely going read more. What is a nice touch is that the author is given the second part of the story free, so you want have to wait long to find out more about the mystery man
4 Stars
Graveyard Rose: A Gothic Fantasy Romance (The Rose Chronicles Book 1)
Graveyard Rose: A Gothic Fantasy Romance (The Rose Chronicles Book 1) - Ginny Clyde
Lenara is the first female Guardian, protecting the lands from Nulans (rogue vampires) and werewolves. She became a guardian to protect her family’s property, and due to training from her dad became one of best in the team. She risked her life numerous times to help her sickly younger sister. When a nearby village is attacked by a pack of werewolves, The Guardians go out to find the pack and kill them. When the attack goes wrong Lenara finds herself seriously injured and on the brink of death, until she is rescued by a masked stranger. Who is this man?
I enjoyed reading the book and found the story to be a quick read. I liked the fact that the main character was a strong young female and could stand up to any man who crossed her. I got a bit confused with all the families, but this did not detract from a good story. I found the story to be interesting from the start and her descriptive writing really made you feel that you were there whilst you were reading this book.
This was the 1st book I have read that was written by this author and I am definitely going read more. What is a nice touch is that the author is given the second part of the story free, so you want have to wait long to find out more about the mystery man